Po co Go wyczekiwać, skoro
jest? Po co Go wyglądać, skoro
można Go widzieć? Po co nadsłuchiwać, skoro
można Go słyszeć?
Czy to nie jest udawanie,
gra, dziecinna zabawa coroczna?
Nie, bo ty jesteś nowy.
Inny niż przed rokiem.
Inaczej patrzysz
niż wtedy.
Inaczej słyszysz
niż wtedy.
Inaczej myślisz
niż wtedy.
Dlatego On musi się w tobie
na nowo narodzić.
* * *
Why should we expect Him, if
He is there? Why should we look out, if
we can see Him? Why should we prick up our ears, if
we can hear Him?
Isn’t it just a show, a play,
the annual children’s game?
No, it’s not. Because you are new.
Different than you were the year before.
You see things
in a different way.
You hear other things than
you heard the previous year.
You think
in a different way, new way.
That is why He must come to you
as a New Born child.