Nadsłuchuj Słowa,
wypatruj Go w
kolędach i piosenkach, w
migotaniu drzewka i światłach reflektorów, w
obrzędzie wigilijnym i zwyczajnych wydarzeniach, w
Piśmie Świętym i gazetach, w
kazaniach i codziennych rozmowach. A jeszcze w
śpiewie ptaków, w
szumie lasu, w
kolorach nieba, we
wschodach i zachodach słońca.
wypatruj Go, bo
wciąż mówi do ciebie.
* * *
Prick up your ears to hear the Word
Expect Him,
try to find Him in
carols and songs, in
the twinkling Christmas tree and in the limelight, in
the ceremony of Christmas – Eve and in everyday life, in
the Bible and in newspapers, in
the sermons and in everyday conversations. And moreover
in the singing of the birds, in
the rustle of the forest, in
the colors of the sky,
in sunrises and sunsets.
Prick up your ears,
Expect Him,
try to find Him, because
He is speaking to you all the time.