15 listopada 2008
Sługa dobry
Jesteśmy z Bogiem ściśle związani – na każdą chwilę naszego dnia. On współpracuje z nami, a my współpracujemy z Nim albo nie.
Każdy codziennie otrzymuje od Boga dary. To są twórcze pomysły, przyjazne słowa które płyną do nas od naszych bliskich, ich mądre uwagi, dobry przykład, pochwały, upomnienia – które przyjmujemy albo odrzucamy.
November 15, 2008
Good servant
We are very tightly connected with God – for each moment of the day. He cooperates with us, and we cooperate with Him, or not.
Everybody receives gifts from God, everyday. These are the creative ideas, friendly words which come form our close relatives and friends; their wise remarks, good example, praises and admonitions – which we accept or reject.
Fr. M. M.
November 16, 2008
33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
To settle accounts
One talent is about 30 kilograms of silver or gold. The first servant received five talents to manage.
During this part of life: from the moment of receiving talents to be managed, to the moment of returning them, the whole history of his life played out. He had to measure out his time, organize his activities, and use every chance to get in touch with competent people, make time for reading professional literature, and make time for leisure, so that his work could be truly creative.
Everybody has to act like the one who received five talents. For one has to bring the Lord another five.
Fr. M. M.